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This July we want to take your love of the run, and make an impact on the community!
Every fall thousands of you toe the starting line at the Nationwide Children's Columbus Marathon. We want to help some of you get there, and in the process we hope to make a large donation on your behalf to Nationwide Children's Hospital!
We are giving away TWO entries EVERY DAY during the month of July! All you have to do is make a purchase to be eligible! At the end of each day will will announce who the winners are through our social media channels. You can track the winners by following #6run4DonationDays
As a small thanks for your choosing to shop with us we are donating a percentage of all sales from all three stores for EVERY DAY in July to Nationwide Children's Hospital! Again, you'll be able to track the progress of the donations by following #6run4DonationDays

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