Do You Have Corporate Wellness?
Today many corporations offer Corporate Wellness options to help improve health, fitness, well being, morale and overall productivity of employees. This is indeed a win-win for employer and employee if done successfully. As a result, the employees overall demeanor and health improve, thus in turn improving productivity in the workforce helping the corporation's success.
Throughout the years, we have worked very closely with corporations attending health fairs, performing lunch n learns, providing shoe fitting clinics and even partnering to provide fitness solutions for organizations. The scope of Corporate Wellness offerings to employees indeed varies between companies depending on size and budgets. It's no secret that having a Corporate Wellness Department or even a single Coordinator is an internal expense that can be difficult to justify in some work scenarios. However what we have witnessed, corporations that provide a dedicated and focused entity towards employee health and wellness are able to provide a prolonged, fruitful and sustainable benefit to employees that is utilized by employees. The key we have found is to make sure what is provided to employees is frequent and consistent. Meaning, that providing a Corporate Wellness opportunity for employees has a regular structure and schedule and not an idea that is performed for a short period of time or every once in a while. It needs to be consistent.
To do this well, employers need to offer regular opportunities to employees whether its fitness opportunities, educational seminars, health related activities and the like. Perhaps pick a topic each quarter such as healthy eating and cooking, creating a fitness filled lifestyle, stress management or even health screenings. There are so many offerings and they can be repeated, especially since employees lives change and what they are going through in their work and personal lives evolves daily. If you do not currently have a wellness program I would suggest starting simply, ask employees what they want more of and select one thing to provide and follow through by providing what is financially feasible and applicable solutions for staff. Perhaps, your organization offers a structured wellness initiative, perhaps add a reward structure or recognition to gain more employee compliance into the wellness programs.
Wherever you are on the Corporate Wellness spectrum, Fleet Feet Sports will be hosting an Introductory Corporate Wellness Forum on Thursday, February 12th at 8AM at Fleet Feet Sports @ The Armory (155 Culver Rd, Rochester, NY 14620). We are inviting Corporate Wellness Coordinators/Directors or professionals who are motivated to help their employees live a healthier lifestyle to come and discuss preliminary ways to build Employee Corporate Wellness Initiatives within Rochester, NY. The initial goal is to meet fellow Corporate Wellness professionals monthly and share ideas, obstacles or challenges, develop best practices and perhaps create a network to help companies improve this area of their business by collaborating with each other as a resource. The ultimate goal is an open environment to share ideas and resources to achieve a healthier workplace but also a healthier community. This is free of charge and light breakfast will be provided. Please RSVP to Kim Smith at
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