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What Will Your Story Be?

Close to five hundred people are in the midst of wrapping up one of our training programs here at FLEET FEET. They all started their journey for different reasons. No BoundariesNo matter the program, there were trials and tribulations that very easily could have led them astray. They persevered through the harsh winter, battled inner demons that threatened to sabotage them, and confronted old, bad habits trying to block their progress. They conquered them all to arrive successfully at the conclusion of their program. Notice I said program and not journey. This is not the end of their story. It is just the beginning.

When will you start your story? What will your story be? 

We, as a society, are on a scary trajectory. Sitting has become the new smoking. Overweight and obesity levels have tripled since 1980. Satiric comedies like Idiocracy are hitting eerily close to home. The distrust of almost anyone in a position of authority mars our news on a nightly basis. Outside stressors and unhealthy lifestyle habits threaten our health, happiness, and quality of life.  

We can't in good conscience sit back and let this happen. We have the ability to help change the course we're on. These five hundred people on our training team are determined to do just that. They represent the possibility of a brighter future.

Let's build on their successes through a fitness pyramid scheme (so to speak) to turn the tide on society's health. Marathon Training ProgramIf each one of those five hundred people finds a friend to join them in their journey, a thousand lives will be improved. If everyone who reads this makes the decision to sign up for the program that aligns with their goals, that's a few thousand more. And if all those people invite a friend or family member… well, that’s thousands upon thousands of lives touched or changed in a very short time. It’s that easy for us to make an impact.

There's no excuse not to start a new chapter. We have the programs and classes available with knowledgeable and experienced coaches to help you reach your goals. I challenge you to find a friend or family member to join you in one of our classes, workshops, or programs. By simply helping one person at a time, we can make the difference for many. Let's make your story an inspirational one of health, happiness, and success. 

Good Luck and Happy Racing!
Coach Cary

Tim Cary is FLEET FEET's Assistant Training Manager, coach of the FLEET FEET-sponsored Runnababez Elite team, and manager of the FLEET FEET Racing Team.  Over his 20 years of coaching, Tim has coached athletes to three national team championships, five national individual championships, two national records, and numerous All-American and All-State honors.  Click here to receive Tim's weekly article via email.

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