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Your New Excuse

Your New ExcuseSpringtime is upon us. The weather is taking a turn for the better. The sun is gracing us with its presence more and more each day. Everything is heading in the right direction, right? Let me ask you a question then: how are those New Year’s resolutions going?  

I'll admit mine are running fair to partly cloudy at the moment. Sure, I did well for awhile, but it's March, and I can say that my resolve is looking a bit battered and tattered at the moment. I started with good intentions, but I’ve lost my way for one reason or another. 

Nice excuses, right? Excuses are like armpits: everyone has ‘em, and they all stink. 

Like I said earlier though, it's springtime. ‘Tis the season when hope springs eternal. Resolutions aren't limited to the dawning of a New Year. They are about dedicating yourself to make a change. There is never a bad time to commit yourself to becoming a better you. Your New ExcuseThe rebirth that is spring is the perfect time to make that commitment to be the person you want to see in the mirror every morning. 

But wanting to be more, to be better, is typically not the issue. We all have things we are striving for or at least want to strive for. The issue is fear. Fear squashes countless more dreams than failure does. And all too often, we rationalize fear with excuses. You could say that there is a valid excuse for every failure. What we need to do, then, is find the way to overcome those valid excuses. 

How do we conquer the obstacle that sabotages us the most?  Well, why not come up with a new excuse? Ok, now I'm just talking silly, right? Actually, no. Think of it this way. The way we are looking at things presently isn’t working or we wouldn’t be in this predicament. What we need to do is start looking at things differently. What we need to do is find an excuse why we can achieve our goals instead of one for why we can’t. 

Your New ExcuseLet us be your new excuse.  

Want to complete a 5K with your kids? The No Boundaries/WalkFit programs will successfully guide you from your first step ‘til you cross that finish line. 

Always dreamed of doing a triathlon? Our Triathlon program's comprehensive instruction will prepare you to overcome things you had been afraid to tackle. 

Hate training with others because you're self-conscious about your speed? The Be A Better Runner program teaches you how to utilize heart rates to make the training specific to you and your physiology.

It's time for some spring cleaning. It's time to clean out that old negative self talk. There has never been a better time to achieve your dreams. Some of the best coaches and programs in the country are at your disposal. All you have to do is take that first step. Let us be your new excuse to achieving your goals. 

Good Luck and Happy Racing!
Coach Cary

Tim Cary is FLEET FEET's Assistant Training Manager, coach of the FLEET FEET-sponsored Runnababez Elite team, and manager of the FLEET FEET Racing Team.  Over his 20 years of coaching, Tim has coached athletes to three national team championships, five national individual championships, two national records, and numerous All-American and All-State honors.  Click here to receive Tim's weekly article via email.

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