When do I need to replace my running shoes?
Running shoes are generally built to last 400 to 500 miles. By that time, the cushioning and support features of the shoe have begun to break down significantly. A runner logging 20 miles per week should expect to get a new pair of shoes every four to six months.
Do I need to bring anything with me when I am ready to buy new shoes?
It is not mandatory, but if you are able to bring in your current running or walking shoes, bring them! We can check the wear and tear of your shoes and see whether you actually need new ones. If you wear orthotics or another type of insert, bring those too.
Why do you watch me run/walk?
Besides admiring your natural grace and rhythm, we are looking at your foot strike and gait to evaluate the mechanics of your stride, which in turn helps us evaluate the fit and type of shoe that is best for you. Feet can roll in, roll out, or be neutral down the middle; depending on these different motions, we aim to match the shoe's structure to your natural gait.
Do socks matter?
Yes. Look for socks made of moisture wicking acrylic or polyester blends. These fabrics absorb and move moisture, keep feet dry, hold their shape and help prevent blisters. Cotton socks get wet and stay wet. This causes friction, which contributes to hot spots and blisters.
Why can’t I just pick a shoe with nice colors?
When it comes to running and walking shoes, you must choose function over fashion. We’ll bring you a selection of shoes that best meet your needs and you can pick your favorite of those.
Why do I need a running shoe? Can’t I just run in my favorite sneakers?
Running shoes are built to support and cushion your foot while in the specific acts of running and walking. While running, the impact of each foot strike is eight to nine times your body weight.
I walk. Is it OK to wear a running shoe?
Yes. In fact, we recommend it. Running shoes offer a wider variety of cushioning and support features than can be found in most walking shoes.
Why is my running shoe size bigger than the size of my dress/casual shoes?
Running shoes are just sized differently than other shoes, even other athletic shoes. You also need about a thumb’s width of room between your longest toe and the front of the running shoe for the footwear to function properly. Expect your running or walking shoes to be from 1/2 to 2 sizes larger than your other shoes. Sizing can also vary from brand to brand, as well as style to style within the same brand.
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Give us a call at (818)991-4786 store, and one of our staff members will gladly answer any question you might have; or come on by and ask us in person. We are here to help!
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