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Thur. 03.07 - Altra Demo Run

Join us Thursday, March 7th at 5:30pm for a demo run with Altra!

Our Altra Tech Rep will be in store to showcase the VIA Olympus 2 & the Paradigm 7! The event will include a group run beginning at 6:30pm for all distances and paces with an expert here to answer any questions you might have after you take the demo shoes for a spin. We will have refreshments & in-store specials - Thursday night only!  We hope to see you there!

Schedule of Events

  • 5:30pm - Demo station opens for customers to learn about Altra shoes
  • 6:30pm - Group run begins
  • 7:15pm - Post run refreshments

Shoe Breakdown

Paradigm 7

Altra Paradigm 7

The Altra Paradigm 7 is a great shoe for those with flexible arches or who overpronate and want a ton of cushioning. Walkers and runners of all abilities and paces will love this shoe. You will love how the Altra Paradigm 7 is soft and supportive with a wide toe box that doesn’t cram your toes.

VIA Olympus 2

VIA Olympus 2

The Altra Via Olympus 2 is a great shoe for those who are looking for cushion and comfort. It also works well if you need to put in a custom orthotic because it is deeper and more accommodating. You will love the Altra Via Olympus 2 for its rolling sensation and max-cushioned feel.

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