Having grown up a self-proclaimed military brat, Margaret lived the longest stint of her life in Rock Hill, SC, where she raised her two children. She then lived in Fort Mill, SC, but has always loved the beach, so she recently decided to move to Charleston to live near the coast.
If you are in need of a new vegetarian recipe idea, Margaret enjoys taking meat-based recipes and making them into vegetarian dishes.
When not at Fleet Feet helping customers find the perfect pair of shoes, Margaret enjoys many activities - photography, movies, and outdoor events. She is enjoying getting back into reading novels and has quite the artistic side (painting, graphic art and crochet are a few of her hobbies).
Margaret grew up playing tennis, but is now getting into biking. Always a walker, her goal is to complete one 5K per quarter.
Fun family facts: Margaret has a son, Colby; a daughter, Taylor; a son-n-law, Adam; and a grand-kitty, Felicity aka “Riki Tiki Tavi”.
She is excited to meet new people at Fleet Feet and is optimistic that she just may have discovered her new "tribe". We are glad to have her on our team!
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