A trendy word for what is our motivation is, "What is your why?" Popular term or not, finding your motivation for becoming more active is critical for sticking with any new habit! At Fleet Feet we feel strongly that the power of group running can be transformative. Our blog is going to start to feature some of our runners who will share their fitness journey, and hopefully provide the positive vibes to help you! But first... a word about our groups. We run year round, we have coach led walk/run programs for the newbie, the veteran, and everyone in between. Please email alex@fleetfeetrockford.com for up to the minute training information! You may wonder if group running is for you. Let us share some of the benefits of group running:
1. No more skipping runs. Knowing that we are all waiting for you, and looking forward to your presence should help get you out the door!
2. You may push yourself, in a good way! Development as a runner means getting out of our comfort zone a bit. Wanting to catch up or stay with the group is a great way to see what your body is capable of.
3. Be ready for some friendly competition that is not based on speed! At Fleet Feet, most of our groups include an attendance prize. The person with best attendance wins a pair shoes. Speed has nothing to do with showing up.
4. Your well being will improve. This isn't Fleet Feet propoganda-real studies show having a work out bud can improve mental well being, emotional stability, fitness, even reduce stress levels! We are proud of the friendships forged in our running groups.
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