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Blame it on Christine

Christine made me write this. I was tempted to not write for Toro Talk this week-I had plenty on my plate, and didn't have anything noteworthy to chat about-but a while back I made the "mistake" of telling Robert that people needed him to be more present and hear his voice more often, and apparently Christine eavesdropped and decided to use my own words against me. For shame! But her adamant request gives me fodder for today's write-up, so I guess I can't be too mad at her. You may keep your job, Christine (and thank you).

Although I touched on this a bit last week, I wanted to be upfront and leave zero doubt about how thankful and appreciative I am for the Fleet Feet Savannah staff I am blessed to work alongside, day in and day out. They are professional, knowledgeable, compassionate, and thankfully, a bit zany. We have fun, but we buckle down when we need to. Because at the end of the day, each and every one of us realizes that we're selling ourselves just as much as our products.

Online shopping is convenient and easily accessible, provides you with a slew of options, and is open 24 hours a day. And, you might be surprised to find out, we relish going up against that behemoth, because if we're doing our jobs right, we're going to win 9 times out of 10. You can't try on shoes online-get the fit and feel of as many styles as it takes to get the job done right-and you certainly don't get a taste of our southern hospitality (I realize I'm from the Midwest, so don't get all literal on me). We'll give you our opinion (if you ask for it), even if it's not what you want to hear, and we'll try our darndest to keep the aches and pains away by selling you what you need, even if it's not what you think you want (and, lo and behold, you may save a few bucks in the process).

We realize that you have more shopping options than ever before, so your walking through our front door really means something to us; you're not just another statistic or number when you plop down on one of our benches, and we relish the chance to give you the kind of service you deserve. Thanks for keeping your hard-earned dollars local, thanks for letting me hire the kind of staff that makes us flourish, and thanks for allowing me to work a job that keeps me excited, day after day.

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