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Complete Your Running Wardrobe with Ciele Hats

Chances are that you've seen Ciele hats out on the running path or in races. It's hard not to notice them: they're unique, come in fun colors, and complete any running outfit.

There are a couple of different silhouettes including the GOCap, TRLCap, and CRWCap. The GOCap is a clean, modern 5-panel design in lightweight construction. A cool trucker cap with AIR-Mesh, the TRLCap is for the person who loves trucker hats and running. The CRWCap takes a pure casual look and infuses it with run ready performance.

GoCap Cubed GoCap


GOCap Collection

GoCap Century - Cahill  GoCap Century - Cahill

GoCap Century - Cerise GoCap Century - Cerise

GoCap Century - Melmel  GoCap Century - Melmel

GoCap Standard - Freeport GoCap Standard - Freeport

GoCap Standard - Penn GoCap Standard - Penn

GoCap Standard - Trigger GoCap Standard - Trigger

GoCap Standard - Whitemark GoCap Standard - Whitemark

GoCap Cubed - Runday  GoCap Cubed - Runday

GoCap Cubed - Whitaker GoCap Cubed - Whitaker

 GoCap Mini Standard - Loop Victory GoCap Mini Standard - Loop Victory


TRLCap Collection


TRLCap Large - Metropolitan TRLCap Large - Metropolitan

TRLCap Large - Shadowcast TRLCap Large - Shadowcast


CRWCap Collection

 CRWCap Athletics - Lola CRWCap Athletics - Lola

 CRWCap Athletics - Dots Whitaker CRWCap Athletics - Dots Whitaker

CRWCap Athletics - Shadowcast CRWCap Athletics - Shadowcast

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