Toni Jumper, Owner
Toni, our fearless owner, has been with Fleet Feet since 2008. She comes to the community with a Master’s degree in Exercise Physiology. Not only has she been a runner since middle school, but she was also a fitness, Pilates, and strength training instructor for 10 years before coming to Fleet Feet. Toni's background in physical training shows in everthing she does for the community, and how she trains her staff. When she does find free time, she enjoys utilizing her art background, raising a soon to be teenaged son, being a wonderful Dog Mom, painting, and drawing.
“I love the company and what it stands for. I want to help others. My previous job in corporate wellness was a very fulfilling job but did not come without corporate bureaucracy. This way I get to help people on my terms and without the company red tape. I want to use Fleet Feet to help all levels live a better life, those who are on the couch and want to get off and those who are very active and just want to be better. I just want to change lives and am happy to be a part of a company who shares my passion. Moving to a healthier South Carolina one pair of feet at a time"
April, General Manager
D'Arcy, Manager
Kenny, Manager, Coach
Michelle, Outfitter, Coach
Ashley, Outfitter
Colin, Outfitter
Ed, Outfitter
Jenna, Outfitter
Jennifer, Outfitter
Phil, Outfitter
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