This is where we shine. Our team prides itself in having the best knowledge and products in the industry to help prevent and treat the most typical (and not so typical) athletic and life injuries. We continually train ourselves so that we are familiar with all ailments and can offer suggestions to help. Most of the tools we offer require education on how to use them, and we are more than happy to take time to explain and demonstrate for you. Injury prevention and treatment is something we are passionate about because we feel running with pain, or not being active because of pain is completely avoidable if proper care is taken. We never want you sidelined again.
Please call or ask any Fleet Feet Sports location for a recommended Doctor, Physical Therapist, Chiropractor, or Sports Masseuse. We work with our local community specialists for injuries and alignment conditions where you might need medical or professional attention.
Learn more about the following symptoms, causes, and prevention of common injuries:
Plantar Fasciitis
IT Band Pain (ITBS)
Shin Splints
"Runner's Knee" (PFPS)
Achilles Tendinitis
Hamstring Tightness
Stress Fracture
Hallux Valgus - Bunions
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