The Lunch Run: Take Advantage of Sunlight
Research has shown the benefits of a lunch run are abundant. A midday sweat session can reduced stress, improve brain power, lead to better memory, increase energy and improve creativity. Taking advantage of the sunlight and boosting afternoon productivity by rejuvenating with a lunchtime run seems like a no-brainer.
The lunch run is not feasible for everyone, specifically those in meetings during the lunch hour or those without proper facilities to change and wash up after. However, if there's a way you can swing it, a lunch run can turn the dreary, winter days upside down. As an added bonus, you can encourage coworkers to join so you have some company, and they can also reap the rewards of improved afternoon productivity.
Run-commute to Save Time
If you have ever made the excuse that you don’t have time to run, then the runmute is perfect for you. Runmuting—running as your form of transportation—gives you the best of both worlds in the winter by eliminating wasted commuting time and giving you a chance to enjoy daylight hours.
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