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Runners Village

In the year 2,000, there were 12,000,000 people in Ghana. Today 27,000,000. Imagine 15,000,000 children under 15. By 2050 there will be over 50,000,000 in an area the size of Oregon. Above and beyond our Village family program we are now teaching children how to plant and care for trees. 20 schools with hundreds of children each will receive 1,000 trees each. These schools were chosen because they own land. 1,000 trees represents a sustainable regenerative agroforestry program.

Across 15 years these trees will generate $150,000 in produce. And average of $10,000 a year is enough to fund the entire school in many cases. With annual training and planting the schools will become self-funded and perpetually sustained. The 20 schools this year represents many thousand children. Almost all of these children live on farms and will become farmers themselves. Trees can double the GDP of Ghana in less than 20 years.

You have made this happen by allowing your patrons to zero out their carbon footprint. Your generous support has a huge ripple effect for generations to come.

Endless thanks for your ongoing support!

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