August Event Announced!
We will be hosting a donation drive with our friends from Help 4 Kids/Backpack Buddies at our August Food Truck Run. This event will take place Wednesday, August 7th at 6:30pm at our Myrtle Beach store. We'll be updating the event posting on Facebook and will communicate out in other media our food truck partner for the run once we have finalized it. We're looking to collect the following school supplies and items for our local students in need getting ready for the upcoming school year:
- Clear Book Bags
- Colored Pencils
- Markers
- Wide ruled paper
- Black Marble Composition Books
- Folders
- Crayons
A prime opportunity to find the above items would be Tax Free Weekend (in South Carolina), which goes Friday, August 2nd to Sunday, August 4th. We'll begin accepting donations Monday, August 5th at either of our locations, so if you're not able to make our event Wednesday but want to help out, bring anything you can by!
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