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Exciting Transition at Fleet Feet Sports!

To all our wonderful customers and friends,

After 12 years, we have decided the timing was right to turn over the reins of Fleet Feet Sports Tucson to someone who is very familiar to all of you – our General Manager Anne Stancil.  The sale of our two stores to Anne was completed today, and we couldn’t be happier with who will be carrying on the dream that we have shared with all of you for many years.   Anne brings more than 10 years of experience with Fleet Feet and understands better than anyone the importance of providing exceptional customer service day in and day out. 

From your perspective, the transition will be completely transparent.   Nothing changes, including our phenomenal staff!  Everyone you have grown to trust will remain with the stores and continue to exceed your expectations. 

While Jeanne and I won’t be in the store or on the sales floor anymore (except as very good customers), we will still be very visible on the streets and trails of Tucson as we continue to lead the various training programs that we’ve designed and managed over the years.   Fleet Feet will continue to be training-central and our primary sponsor – a partnership that is so critical to our runners’ success.

Your loyalty to our locally-owned business has driven our success over the years.  As the sole owner of Fleet Feet Sports Tucson, Anne needs your continued support as she embarks on this new chapter.  We will always love this special place we created and the impact we have had on Tucson and the surrounding community.  And, because of each of you, we have been able to help so many organizations and causes over the years.  It’s something we are very proud of and we know that Anne and Fleet Feet Tucson will build upon that going forward.

We will keep our Fleet Feet email addresses for a short while. We consider you all our friends first and foremost, and we look forward to sharing our lives for years to come.  

Thank you so much,

Pete and Jeanne

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