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Grey for May Challenge

Grey for May Challenge
Join us as we Go Grey in May for Brain Tumor Awareness Month!

We're going Grey in May and joining the fight against brain cancer. Join us and the team from Head for the Cure for our month-long run, walk or hike fundraising challenge.

Head for the Cure works to inspire hope for the community of brain cancer patients, their families, friends, caregivers and other supporters, while celebrating their courage, spirit and energy. Every Head for the Cure event marks a day of celebration where those diagnosed with brain cancer are honored and celebrated by their friends and families, those who have lost their battles are remembered, and we are all inspired to carry on the fight.

Funds raised by Head for the Cure support the Brain Tumor Trials Collaborative, a network of medical centers with the expertise and the desire to participate in state-of-the-art clinical trials investigating new treatments for malignant brain tumors.

Each year, over 84,000 people in the United States are diagnosed with a primary or metastatic brain tumor. More than 120 types of brain tumors exist, making effective treatment complicated. Cutting edge research is needed as we continue to make strides in this fight.

How does the challenge work? You, your friends and family will pledge a donation amount to complete a minimum of 30 miles of running, walking or hiking for the month of May. We suggest $1, $2, or maybe $5 per mile--all going directly to support brain cancer patients and research.

Want to join us? Sign up for the Challenge and donate your pledged amount, then hit the roads and trails!

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