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Registration for Fall Training Groups is Open!

What matters isn't where you are today; it's where you want to go. Welcome to the Fleet Feet Tucson Training Groups! At Fleet Feet, We believe that "Running and Walking Changes Everything".  It trims our waistlines and boosts our immune systems. It makes our hearts and minds strong. It empowers us to tackle new adventures in our personal and professional lives. It connects us to new people who quickly become "sole" mates. It makes us laugh and sometimes can make us cry. It allows us to indulge in our favorite food and drink. It gives us purpose. It enables us to do something good for ourselves!

Fleet Feet & ROAD iD team up for safety! 

Meet your new training partner - a ROAD iD!  Simple, stylish, one-of-a-kind Fleet Feet branded Wrist ID that you customize with the information most important to you, from emergency contact numbers to vital medical info. 

The first 25 training group members will score a FREE FLEET FEET ROAD iD ($50 value) when you signup to run with Fleet Feet.  An ID that always matches pace…Now you can train and race with peace of mind knowing you’ll have all your information in one place, just in case. 

Fall Training begins August 9th! 

Here's what you can expect:

  • Weekly run/walk workouts
  • Weekly strength and conditioning videos you can do at home
  • Weekly emails and videos from coaches
  • Social media groups to share our success!

You can train virtually with us for any of our groups. You'll receive the same training plan and weekly email with workouts and coaching info. 

Two meetings per week on Tuesday @ 6 pm and early Saturday mornings (5-7 am). 

Questions? Find out more information here or email

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