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Summer Sweathogs begins April 10!

Summer Sweathogs is a 12-week running group designed to keep you motivated during the hot summer months. This year we have added an additional "free" day of group running to give you even more value! From April through June, we'll meet at various locations on Mondays, Wednesdays and Saturdays. You are free to attend any or all of the workouts - it's your choice on the number of days you want to run with us. 
  • Summer Session: April 10 - July 1, 2017 
  • Meets: 3 times a week Monday @ 6 pm (40-50 minute runs with or without intervals); Wednesday @ 6 pm (track or hill workout); Saturday @ 5:30 am (4-8 miles) 
  • Locations: East and Northwest 
  • Optional Races: Cinco de Mayo (May 7) or Run with the Roosters (July 9) 
  • Registration Fee: $125 (race entry fee not included)  

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