U.S. employees spend an average of 50 hours a week at work and eat about one-third of their meals there as well. Work is a source of pride, defines our career, and is responsible for many influences on lifestyle. As an owner, HR director, or wellness committee chair you can positively impact the lifestyles of your employees, creating more productive and satisfied workers... and Fleet Feet West Lafayette can help.
The Facts...
The 2008 CDC Health Insurance survey showed that 36% of all adults were considered totally inactive. 37% of all adults were at a healthy weight, 35% were overweight, and 27% were obese with obesity percentages even higher in the Midwest and South. Obesity and high BMI have been directly linked to numerous diseases including cancer, heart disease, and diabetes which all result in higher healthcare costs to employer and employee.
How Fleet Feet Can Help
The staff at Fleet Feet West Lafayette offer free seminars to just about anyone. We often speak during "lunch and learns," to schools, teams, gym classes, YMCAs, health fairs, corporate offices, and medical clinics. Topics can be tailored to your group's specific interests, but often include:Shoe Fit and comfort during exercise, A Guide to well-FIT Sports Bras, Tips for beginning an exercise program, etc. Please contact Greg Lehman at greg@fleetfeetwestlafayette.com for more information or schedule a clinic at your workplace.
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