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Breakthrough Weekend - A Great Success!

We are alwaysBreakthrough Group honored to work alongside the Breakthrough Foundation of Knoxville each year for their Breakthrough Run for Autism 5k race! This year, they had over 500 participants come out to run and walk and show support for a great foundation working to make autistic adults lead an easier life!

Fleet Feet did not limit the fun to one day - we started the event on Thursday night for a special Test Run with Saucony, showcasing the latest footwear and apparel, and letting our Fleet Feet customers take the shoes for a spin around the greenways! Brixx Wood-Fired Pizza in Turkey Creek held a special fundraising night in conjunction with their already popular Trivia Thursday, and donated $3 to every pizza sold to the Breakthrough Foundation! That night, with your help, we were able to contribute another $238 to the foundation!

Fleet Feet Sports Knoxville was glad to be able to contribute to the event on Saturday morning with a water stop and corn hole boards for the post-race party! Several training proBrixx Night with Sauconygram participants took the race to get their mileage in and we had many people who placed in their age group! Congratulations to all the finishers of the race! What a great event!

To see more pictures from the event, click here! 

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