If you are requesting any type of donation or sponsorship from Fleet Feet Sports please fill out the application in full. Please provide clear, concise, and detailed information about your event and the type of support you are seeking from Fleet Feet Sports. We support a ton of events per year and need to be selective to ensure we are sponsoring causes that are a good fit for both the organization and Fleet Feet Sports. While we are striving to increase our donations, it is not always possible to fulfill every request.
We receive 10-20 requests per week for donations and event sponsorship and we consider every event submitted. However, we cannot accept requests that are submitted within 30 days of the event date.
Additionally, please note that your request is for donations only from Fleet Feet Sports Chico.
NOTE: A completed application is not an agreement to honor your request. Once an application is submitted, we will take full consideration of your request and respond within 2 weeks. If you have any questions, please email carly@fleetfeetchico.com
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