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Momentum Jewelry

Momentum Jewelry

Some things fall in the "need" category.  Others fall in the "want" category.

We know sometimes the wants simply outweigh the needs.  Which is where Momentum Jewelry fits in.  You are an athlete.  But you're also a woman.  A woman who is empowered by the strength of words and deeds.

Momentum Jewelry Values: "We strive to create the highest quality, hand crafted, athletic inspirational jewelry available.  Our beautiful pieces are both functional and meaningful - designed to inspire & motivate people to live more active, healthy lives."

"I love my "Strong is the new BEAUTIFUL" bracelet so much that I just ordered my mother-in-law a bracelet.  She just had lung cancer surgery and I bought her the new Sparklet, "positive ENERGY" to keep her uplifted through her recovery.  I love your products!! My "Yes! you can" footnotes have helped get me through several 5ks and a 15k."   - Pamela

"I fell in love with the message first, then the jewelry. My first wrap was the "Live Fearlessly" wrap. As a female I want to LIVE my life and EXPERIENCE all that I can. I don't want to let fear get in the way and I want to inspire other girls to do the same. My second wrap says, "She believed she could so she did." I believe that running, and life in general, is as much about mental and spiritual toughness as it is physical. I have many running goals for this year, including my first 50 miler and 100k, and I believe I can. In my first ultramarathon, I told myself repeatedly that I could do it. And I did."   - Jessica

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