Fleet Feet recognizes the importance of health and wellness for employers and communities alike. We know how important it can be for your employees to feel healthy and be healthy. We also know how busy people are and how hard it can be to find the time to go to Fleet Feet to be fitted for the right shoes.
Give your employees the opportunity to get the correct equipment to help them live healthy lifestyles by scheduling a Workplace Fit event.
Whether your colleagues and you work on your feet all day, are training for a local 5k race together or like to take walking meetings, our highly trained Outfitters can help you find the perfect pair of shoes, insoles and socks for your specific gait pattern and foot shape through our unique fit id® Outfitting Process with 3D Foot-Scanning Technology. Fleet Feet has worked with hundreds of corporate wellness programs to bring our store to your workplace and help thousands of employees find their perfect shoes.
So whatever your company’s health and wellness initiatives are, we can help you find the right gear to help you move and live your best.
Here's how it works:
- We coordinate a time and date that works for you and your employees.
- Fleet Feet will provide supporting materials in advance that you can share with your employees to make sure they know we are coming and what to expect.
- We bring a mini store right to you! That includes a variety of shoes in different styles, sizes and widths for both men and women, as well as insoles and some accessories.
- Our team of expert outfitters works one-on-one with your employees to discover their needs and find great shoes and inserts for walking, running or jobs that require a lot of standing.
- Your employees can make purchases right on site!
- Our goal is to make this fast, friendly and efficient for you and your employees!
* Reach out to marketing@fleetfeettulsa.com.
Plan in Three Easy Steps
Getting started is easy.
- Contact us by reaching out to marketing@fleetfeettulsa.com to schedule a date.
- Determine employee out-of-pocket costs or payroll deduction plans.
- Promote internally with our turnkey marketing materials and employee sign-up form.
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