DATE/TIME: Tuesdays at 6pm
LOCATION: The University of Tulsa Track and Soccer Complex - 6th and Delaware
WHAT: Join us for a free weekly track workout presented by Fleet Feet Tulsa · Broken Arrow and hosted by the University of Tulsa. Coached by Bobby Bomer and David Brennan. Warm up starts at 5:45pm, workout starts at 6pm. Plenty of pace groups, open to all abilities and fitness levels.
HOW TO REGISTER: No registration necessary but check out the Facebook group to stay informed about new schedules and events!
Please complete this LIABILITY WAIVER before attending your first workout. This only has to be completed once.
Current Sessions/Workouts:
Fleet Feet Tuesday Night Track Workout FAQ
Where is the workout?
The University of Tulsa track and soccer complex is at 512 South Delaware Ave Tulsa, OK 74104.
Where do I park?
There is ample parking in the softball parking lot at 6th and Delaware and in university apartment parking lot just north of the track on 5th Street. Attendees have also found spots along Columbia and near the park just west of the track. Please respect neighbors, posted signs and use basic common sense when parking. We always want to be good neighbors.
When is it?
Every single Tuesday, rain or shine, year-round, at 6pm. We suggest arriving by 5:45 in order to run or walk at least a half-mile (2 laps on the track) as a warmup.
How do I know which group to join?
A workout leader is on hand to answer questions about the workout, pace groups and track etiquette, and a schedule is posted at www.fleetfeettulsa.com/training/track. Remember that track workouts are highly individualized, so it’s likely that while you might begin with a group, it’s okay if you don’t strictly stay together. Pace groups and workout times are based on recent race or time-trial performances, but even if you don’t have a recent time you can join a group and move up or down in groups as needed. Paces are intended to be hard, equivalent to about your 5K race pace. Effort should be hard enough that it is difficult to speak in full sentences but not so hard that you can’t keep moving after each interval.
What happens during the workout?
When you arrive, run or walk at least ½ mile clockwise in the outer two lanes of the track. At 6 pm, a warm-up and stretching session will be guided by one of the workout leaders. Here, they will also cover pace groups, the night’s workout, and answer any questions. Please feel free to ask any question. After this, groups break up and start the workout.
Then what?
Complete the intervals COUNTERCLOCKWISE on the inner most lane, passing on the right when necessary. Since we have a variety of pace levels, and everyone is always welcome, expect to pass and to be passed. The inner two lanes are for the assigned intervals. The next two lanes are for active recovery/rest intervals. Please rest or cool down in outer lanes and be aware of others behind. Most are finished with the workout and cooldown by 6:45 pm.
What are the intervals?
Workouts use a kind of shorthand. One lap on the track is 400 meters. So, a workout of 6x400 with 200 recovery means completing 1 lap around the track at the assigned pace with a ½ lap recovery in between, 6 times. Common intervals will be 400, 800, 1200, 1600. A rest interval often means walking for 200 meters, or half a lap of the track.
Can I walk the workout?
Absolutely. Walkers are welcome to complete the assigned workout just as anyone else would. All participants are passed during the workout, just stay to the inside of lane 1. Some walkers choose to use the venue but do their own workout completed clockwise in the outermost lane of the track.
Is there water?
We always provide water and, in the warmer months, Nuun electrolyte beverage. You can help yourself at any time. We only ask that you take care of any trash.
How much does it cost?
It’s FREE! We are able to use the track every Tuesday night in conjunction with and through the support of Fleet Feet Tulsa · Broken Arrow, Tulsa. Fleet Fleet Feet Tulsa · Broken Arrow partners with The University of Tulsa to provide the venue. Local coaches David Brennan and Bobby Bomer lead the workouts as they have since 2003!
Who can go?
Anyone. Runners and walkers of every stripe make track part of their routine because they have seen how it benefits their fitness.
Is it coached?
There are several workout leaders there to help you find a pace group and to understand the components of the workout and some training programs do make it to track with their coaches. So, yes, there are coaches, but the effort is self-regulated.
What do I need?
Come ready to work out. Some people bring a water bottle. There are a few spots where people can leave their personal items, but not secured, and there is also access to bathrooms. Before you workout for the first time we ask that you complete this simple online LIABILITY WAIVER.
I’m not a runner; I walk. Can I still go?
Absolutely. Anyone is permitted to join us at Track Night. We usually see people walking clockwise during the track workout, but walkers are also welcomed to join the interval workouts and to perform them at set walking paces.
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