What is it?
A subluxation of the 1st MPJ with a deviation of the great toe towards the second with an enlargement of the medial first metatarsal head.
- Excessive pronation and narrow footwear.
- Higher incidence amongst women than men.
- Hereditary factors are listed in some literature.
- Reddened skin over the base of the great toe. Pain over the joint where the great toe joins the foot (MPJ)
Effect on Gait:
Degraded toe off, excessive pronation due to 1st ray instability.
Degraded toe off, excessive pronation due to 1st ray instability.
- If caused by excessive pronation, stability or motion control shoe with an insert.
- Educate on proper non-running footwear choices and pre-accommodation for a bunion.
- Calluses may be trimmed.
- Icing may help bursitis and pain symptoms
- Contact your Fleet Feet Sports location and we can refer you to a local medical professional.
- Superfeet Premium Insoles
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Rock Runners (trail series)
8:00am - 9:00am
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6:15pm - 7:15pm | Fleet Feet Port St Lucie, 11586 SW Village Pkwy, Port St. Lucie, FL 34987
Meet fellow runners and walkers for a group run. Let's do our miles together! Meet in f…
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