Have Training Program Questions? We have answers!
Q: Can I try a session before registering?
A: Yes, you can! Registration for each program is open for a week after the program begins. Please join us to see what it is all about!
Q: How do I register for a program?
A: Registration for each program is on our website under the program specific page. When you click the red "Register" button, you'll be directed to our registration site at www.FleetFeetMountPleasant.Captyn.Com.
Q: I want to join a program to train for a specific race, but the race I'm running is a different date. Can I still join?
A: Yes! Whether your goal race is before or after the listed goal race for the training program. Our training program coordinator and the program coach can work together to accommodate your race. Please let us know about your goal as soon as possible!
Q: Are there prerequisites to any of the programs?
A: There are prerequisites to the No Boundaries II, Run10K, and Half Marathon training programs. They are found on the program page
Don't see your question answered here?
* For Mount Pleasant and Summerville 10K and Half Marathon programs contact Sarah Harriman at sarah@fleetfeetmountpleasant.com.
* For Mt. Pleasant No Boundaries I and II programs contact Sarah Harriman at sarah@fleetfeetmountpleasant.com.
* For Carnes Crossroads No Boundaries I and II programs contact Nickie Flores at nickie@fleetfeetmountpleasant.com.
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